OK? Part two of extracting and scraping the data we need from each individual realtor.
So I already went to see view part one video to view to see how I scraped um the individual realtor and extracted DRL links from realtor dot com.
So that's part one.
And then I'm gonna connect this sheet to a second automation to go into each uh to go into each URL and get the data that I need.
OK? So let's see here.
This is part one.
Let me build a part two.
And what I'm gonna do is just go to actually, I'm just gonna use the URL right from here.
So I can use the first one to record my steps and then I can schedule and repeat it and have it loop through.
All right.
So let's say I need, what do I need? I need phone number, I need website.
I need name, right? So what I wanna do is make sure that I mil or great test number two.
So I wanna make sure that my headers are organized the way I want them to.
So let's go with, let's go with name, right? So I wanna make sure I get the name here.
Um I don't know what this is.
Maybe his realtor number.
I'm not in realtor real estate, so, uh, that sounds bad.
All right.
Phone number, license number, if that probably is, uh, I could scrape this data if I wanted to.
What else do we need here? Need? What website it's like, uh, I don't see an email on here.
So if that's the case, if you need an email, then make sure you pull up a URL that includes an email with contact information, information on here.
You can also extract all of this if you need to Facebook website.
Ok, then, or you can email him in here.
Got it.
You could also e automatically email every one of these people individually by making sure you have data in your sheet and then recording yourself emailing one person, then setting that up with a loop through data, trigger and extracting and pulling data from the sheet to enter into here and it'll pull the, the variable.
So that's another option but not to go on a tangent here.
All right.
So I'm gonna have what I need.
So I got name.
So let me go to scrape text because it's not a um list.
So I'm going to create text.
I grab my scrape text.
I'm gonna go to uh realtor number, scrape text again, not getting a list.
So grab that one.
I'm gonna get the phone number, mobile number.
It's I know if it matters, you can play around with it if you need a different number, scrape website.
And I don't know, I didn't give me an A URL option.
So I wanted the URL option for that.
But if there's UR option there to extract, it'll pop up.
So that's pretty much all I need all around you.
So part two to filter.
All right.
So what I'm gonna do here is set up a trigger so I can connect my sheet.
So yes, this time I'm going to connect the sheet and what I wanna do is connect this sheet that has all of my LS in it.
And let's go, it's gonna pull from here, which is good.
Um I'm gonna have it start off on row two, row two is five, have a group two or three people.
And if I wanted to schedule this to automatically run, I can do that before I mess around with my steps.
I need to make sure that these OK, these have headers in them.
And then what I'm gonna do is scrape this data here and send to this Google sheets with this time or she oh, here's, here's what it is.
I can't have any special characters in here.
So that's why it's showing me I need headers in it.
I'm gonna delete rep paste.
Not sure.
Yeah, there we are.
So we are gonna be adding an update where we will say, hey, we can't include any special characters.
All right.
So I have all my scrapes of what I need.
You can even re scrape, you can even rename these.
So, scraped, scrape a great whatever that number is.
Phone number and website.
All right, cool.
So I'm gonna at least test this.
I'm gonna have a loop through three and we'll see how it works.
And if I, I'm gonna play test or play up to test it, if it doesn't work the way I want it to, then I'm just going to keep uh adding steps, add delays.
If I need to add filters, if I need to, until I get this to do what I needed to do currently on step two.
Oh What am I doing here? So I've been working a lot.
OK? So I need to uh shoot, I need to add in a navigate step.
So I'm gonna have to recapture this.
So this navigate step so I can attach the, the URL S I need to add and navigate stuff.
So let me recapture.
It's part of the process of building automation.
Sometimes you skip some of the simplest steps.
Let me go to um I need to add some extra clicks in here real clear dot com.
And let me just click on find realtors.
There we go.
So then I'm going to repeat the process.
So again, I wanna get the name, first script name.
The filter number, scrape the phone number, scrape the website.
So it, there should be a URL to extract from this.
This would be a good bug report in uploading or in our bug report.
So you can report, hey, I'm clicking on this element to script text and I'm not getting a, a URL option so we can take a look at the site and add what whatever we need to add to, to a craving teacher.
This is done.
Now, now see, see where I have find realtors.
What I'm gonna do now, since I recapture, I don't need to connect my sheets and send to you anymore because they were already connected and I used to recapture.
So I'm gonna add a URL step.
And what I'm going to do here is connect header one because that's where all of my URL S are right? Then I'm going to delete my first click.
So what it's gonna do is navigate then scrape, scrape name, scrape number, escape phone number, et cetera.
I wanted to loop from beginning to end.
So let's test this.
It's going to loop and start on five because I triggered it once.
So let me we uh past another right.
Here we go.
All right, you were browsing something made us think you might be a Bob.
There's a few reasons you might power using these websites.
You can be, you got a javascript.
OK? Press and hold, I'm gonna press and hold this for right now and see if I can get through this and see if that navigates.
Here we go.
So now that it's, it's gotten familiar with what I'm doing, it's gonna work now.
Uh Step six of route one.
Let me, I'm gonna close and restart this real quick.
So it's gonna start in a different loop.
That's OK.
A different row of the sheet.
Yeah, there we go.
Now it's finding these elements.
So I should finish on this loop three and paste data data here.
That is complete.
And so I have this data.
I did want the URL here.
So I'm gonna report this as a bug and feel free to upload it in our product road map.
So I'm gonna report that as a bug here shortly.
Feel free to upload that if you run into the same challenge.
But yeah, good to go.
So it's part one, part two